Reach the Global Muslim
Audience with Quran Majeed App
Reach out to more than 42 Million potential customers globally with the most authentic Quran app.
100% Muslim Audience

Offering a perfect match for Islamic and halal products and services across the globe

Global Targeting Flexibility

Maximize the reach & effectiveness of your marketing campaigns as per your requirements

Real-Time Performance Feedback

Meet your business objectives and ROIs with real-time performance feedback

Quran Majeed By The Numbers

In-App Messages

✓ Direct exposure to maximise reach & impressions
✓ Call to action for effective Ad performance
✓ Clear visual discoverability boosting brand recall

Push Notifications

In addition to In-App Messages, we offer partnered
content through push notifications

✓ High Engagement
✓ Sent to both active and non-active users across the globe
✓ Exposure to maximum audience reach and visibility

Display Ads

✓ Multiple ad varitans from banner to interstitial ads
✓ Convenient way to reach the masses
✓ Clear visual discoverability boosting brand recall
✓ Custom options as per your ad and business requirements

Our Partners and Clients

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✓ Multiple ad varitans from banner to interstitial ads

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